
Showing posts from May, 2015

A guessing game in java

  import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class gussingGame { int min = 1 ; int max = 16 ; Random rand = new Random(); int num = rand .nextInt( max - min + 1 )+ min ; int gues ; public int read() { Scanner s= new Scanner(System. in ); System. out .println( "Enter your guesing number between 1-16 : " ); gues =s.nextInt(); return gues ; } public void check() { int i= 0 ; while (i< 16 ) { if ( num == gues ) { System. out .println( "your gues is correct" ); break ; } else if ( num < gues ) { System. out .println( "The number is less than your gues " ); } else { System. out .println( "The number is greater than your gues " ); } read(); i++; } } public static void main (String ...

Queue implementation in Java

public class queue { int num [] ; int i ; int top ; int maxSize ; public queue( int length) { this . maxSize =length; top =- 1 ; num = new int [ maxSize ]; } public boolean isEmpty() { return top ==- 1 ; } public boolean isFull() { return top == maxSize - 1 ; } public void push( int newElm) { if (!isFull()) { num [++ top ] = newElm; } else { System. out .println( "array is full" ); } } public void pop() { for ( i = 0 ; i < top ; i ++) { num [ i ]= num [ i + 1 ]; } top --; } public void print() { if (isEmpty()) { System. out .println( "array is Empty" ); } else { System. out .println( "numbers are:" ); for ( i = 0 ; i <= top ; i ++) { System. out .pri...

Stack implementation in Java

import java.util.Scanner; public class stack { int num [] ; int i ; int top ; int maxSize ; public stack( int length) { this . maxSize =length; top =- 1 ; num = new int [ maxSize ]; } public boolean isEmpty() { return top ==- 1 ; } public boolean isFull() { return top == maxSize - 1 ; } public void push( int newElm) { if (!isFull()) { num [++ top ] = newElm; } else { System. out .println( "array is full" ); } } public int pop() { return num [ top --]; } public void peek() { if (!isEmpty()) System. out .println( "top element is " + num [ top ]); else System. out .println( "array is Empty" ); } public void print() { if (isEmpty()) { System. out .println( "array is Empty" ); }...

Installing NodeJs on NetBeans

1. Install NodeJs first 2. Download the plugin nbm file  Here 3. Go to NetBeans Tools > Plugins > Downloaded menu and click on ‘Add Plugins…’. Select the           downloaded nbm file and click install. This will install the nodejs plugin.

Installing NodeJs on ubuntu

1. apt-get update 2. apt-get install nodejs 3. apt-get install npm

XAMPP Installation on Ubuntu

1. Download the latest version of XAMPP  Here 2. Go to the directory of downloaded XAMPP     cd ~/Downloads     sudo su 3. Makes the XAMPP package as executable      sudo chmod +x 4. Install the XAMPP as shown bellow     sudo ./ 5. Then you get XAMPP installation wizard. It's now installation. For starting the XAMPP server sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start For stop the  XAMPP server sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop